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The Best Way To Keep Snakes & Critters Out Of Your Yard

Worried about snakes sneaking into your yard? Let’s talk about some practical steps to keep those slithery visitors out for good. With a few proactive measures, you can create a snake-free zone & enjoy your outdoor space without worry.


1. Tidy Up Your Yard

Snakes love hiding spots, so start by clearing out any clutter. Remove piles of rocks, wood, & debris where snakes might seek shelter. Keep your grass trimmed & bushes well-maintained to eliminate places where snakes could hide.

2. Remove Food Sources

Snakes are attracted to areas with abundant prey. Reduce their food supply by controlling rodent populations & keeping your yard free of bird feeders that attract small animals. Secure your trash cans & compost bins to deter rodents & insects.

3. Seal Entry Points

Inspect your home’s foundation, walls, & doors for any gaps or cracks that snakes could use to enter. Seal these openings with caulk or weatherstripping to prevent snakes from sneaking into your house or garage.

4. Install a Snake Fence

Consider having Critter & Crawlers Fencing install a snake fence around your yard. These fences are designed to create a physical barrier that snakes can’t easily cross. Make sure the fence is buried a few inches underground & has an outward-facing angle at the top to prevent climbing.

5. Use Natural Repellents

Some natural substances can deter snakes. Sprinkle sulfur, clove, & cinnamon oil, or vinegar around the perimeter of your yard. Be sure to reapply after rain or heavy watering.

6. Maintain a Snake-Free Zone

Regularly check for any signs of snakes, such as shed skins or tracks. If you spot a snake, it’s important to identify it & safely remove it, either by yourself if you’re confident or by calling a professional.

7. Keep Pets Safe

Keep an eye on your pets, especially in areas where snakes might be present. Train your pets to avoid snakes & consider a snake avoidance class for dogs if you live in a high-risk area.

Final Thoughts

Keeping snakes out of your yard is all about making your space less inviting to them. By following these steps, you’ll create a safer environment for your family & pets. Remember, a little effort now can save a lot of worry later.

Ready to Snake-Proof Your Yard?

If you’re ready to take the next step or have any questions, reach out to us. We’re here to help you create a safe, snake-free yard where you can relax & enjoy the outdoors.

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